YouTube US Senate Hub shows business communicators the way

The rise of social media means that consumers are now in control. They can organise themselves around you in seconds and share their views about you with their colleagues.

One of the best ways to distribute company messages in this context is to collaborate with your audiences and enter into conversations with them.

YouTube is running a fascinating initiative called where people can register to submit questions for senators. The questions are voted on and the most popular ones are put to the senator who replies through a video. You can then discuss the senator’s views further by commenting on the video message.

This approach could be applied to many traditional forms of business communications: media interviews; Financial Director interviews with analysts; new product launches and so on. What’s refreshing about this approach is that you are providing content which is genuinely useful to your audiences not simply broadcasting what you think they should know.

YouTube is also collaborating with its audience to create the content it wishes to have.  All sound social media principles to follow.

Surely a lot of businesses out there want their audience to engage and connect with them in more effective ways?

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