FedEx looks to social media to humanise the business

Fascinating interview/case study here about how FedEx is using social media.

Good points: they have a strategy in place. A lot of companies still don’t have an overall guiding social media strategy.

If you don’t, and would like help creating one then try us.

What I also like about FedEx is that they see social media as a way of humanising the business. There are so many large monolithic companies out there who appear not to care one fig about who you are when you call, how long you are on the line for etc etc. Social media is a golden opportunity to put some humanity back into your business.

Also what FedEx has clearly realised is that social media is a way of communicating directly with their stakeholders. Again there are many organisations who still persist in spending fortunes on traditional media advertising, broadcasting messages out – often inefficiently, when their customers are using social media and can be engaged with there in more personal and meaningful ways.

Read the full piece here.

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