The social media habits of small businesses

For small businesses, the world of social media can often seem intimidating and bewildering. But a recent infographic by Postling not only shows which media are the most successful, but the kind of response different social media accounts are getting. This can help SMEs focus their social media efforts for a more productive result.

In fact, the results are useful for anyone who uses social media. It’s interesting to see that Twitter is by far the best interactive medium, but that Facebook does just as well on turning that engagement into traffic.

It’s probably no surprise to hear that regular posting brings in more comments, but it’s staggering to see that those who post 8+ times a week get 10.28 comments per day, while those that post less than once a week only get 0.02 comments per day. Proof that the more you interact, the better the results.

Source: Mashable

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