The growing appeal of Media Blogs

More media communications  teams are  starting to use blogs to communicate with their key audiences.

Blogs offer media teams the following advantages:
1)    You can communicate directly with your key audiences without having to go through the gatekeepers of the traditional media
2)    You can share links to relevant content which you would like your audiences to read or share with their peers/colleagues
3)    You will begin to reach people who will not necessarily come to your web site.
4)    You have more space to share videos and audio about the company
5)    You can correct mistakes in the media
6)    You can speak in a more individual voice
7)    You can use the blog to build a platform from which you can start to influence the conversations going on around your company and its products and services
8)    You can use the blog as your own media channel to break news about your business or to provide commentaries on new developments
9)    You will be able to efficiently measure  who is reading your blog
10)    You can use your blog to develop networks online to reach more audiences

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One Response to “The growing appeal of Media Blogs”

  1. Ben Davies Says:

    Saw a really good example of a media relations blog on the Foreign and Commonwealth Office website today:

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