Growing up on Twitter

It’s good to see a growing number of companies getting onto Twitter. But relatively few are really using it in an innovative way, argues blogger Jennifer Leggio.

Eighteen months ago just being on Twitter was a big deal to early technology adopters, she says, but now these have moved on, and are looking for depth and substance. By contrast, for many businesses that use Twitter it seems to be enough merely to have a presence, which they think puts them ahead of the game. It doesn’t, Leggio says; they need to expand their presence, and use it to help grow their brand, otherwise they aren’t achieving anything.

Many companies think that social media begins and ends with Twitter, Leggio adds. ‘The social Web is much larger than Twitter and while it’s well and good if you’re using it, don’t expect anyone who knows better to jump up and down about it anymore.’

Leggio’s post is worth a look.

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