Domino’s do well

Good to see Domino’s specifically linking its growing success to social media. The pizza firm has posted an increase of nearly 29% increase in pre-tax profits in the first half of the year, with like-for-like sales growing by 13.7%.

According to CEO Chris Moore, much of this is down to Domino’s boosting its online activity. Its Facebook site now has more than 36,000 fans, with many more following individual store sites.

Moore also claims to be leading the way with social media initiatives such as affiliate marketing, a ‘superfans’ programme and a link up with Foursquare, the location-based social media site. As well as driving sales, this is also helping to develop customer loyalty, he says.

One Response to “Domino’s do well”

  1. The social media mistakes of 2010 | It's Open - Strategic Social Media Agency Says:

    [...] employees was a mistake Domino’s made at the start of the year. Prior to the success of the Domino’s Foursquare campaign, the company was the victim of a recording made of two of its employees, who were filmed wiping [...]

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