Anyone for bespoke social media training?

When it comes to established media training, companies are spoilt for choice. But here at ItsOpen we think that leading organisations are woefully under-served when it comes to receiving specialist social media training.

Through our work for The Social Media Leadership Forum we are getting plenty of fresh insights into what constitutes best practice. Together with our members we are learning a lot about the complex  challenges large organisations face from social media and the opportunities social media presents if these new technologies are used well.

Quality independent  training is, we believe, the way forward, as this will help improve the quality of social media engagement and understanding across organisations. We at ItsOpen already provide training services to a number of large organisations,  and we are putting together a new programme of  specialist social media training from September onwards – this will cover topics such as:  helping companies develop online conversation skills; extracting the maximum value from YouTube; enhancing your brand through Facebook and using Twitter to achieve your communications and marketing goals.

We are currently at draft stage, and discussed what we wanted to offer on our weekly team call yesterday. It was agreed that we will also continue to offer highly bespoke training services to meet the specific needs of companies and their teams. If you feel your company could benefit from independent specialist social media training which is useful, relevant and engaging – with plenty of opportunities for interaction – then please get in touch.

It could be your media team, or your investor relations team, or your marketing team or your customer service team. Social media touches all aspects of the business – it is not going to go away and it is best to be prepared and to start to develop your thinking and skills to improve the quality of your decision making going forward.  It will also help to empower you to properly assess the quality of ideas and proposals you receive from your PR or digital agencies.

If you are interested it would be great to hear from. You can reach me at:

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