Which works best for marketers – Twitter or Facebook?

Jack and Jill, bread and cheese, Facebook and Twitter – the pairing seems to have stuck. But assuming these two rule the roost when it comes to social networking, does one or other predominate? If a business had to choose between them, which would it be?

There’s a fascinating piece here by Scott Moir that examines this question in some detail.

Starting with some stats: Facebook users spend around 32 minutes each day on the site, while for Twitter the figure is around eight minutes. So Facebook clearly has the edge there.

It also is more easily compared to a stand-alone website than Twitter, as you can include photos, detailed information, videos and other business applications. Many small businesses rely wholly on Facebook.  Business-related Twitter accounts, by contrast, tend to link to a blog or website to get that kind of flexibility.

But Twitter has a lot of advantages over Facebook, and surveys suggest it is preferred as a business marketing tool, thanks to its viral qualities. Tweets get distributed widely and quickly, which makes its reach much greater.

Lots more interesting stuff here.

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