Predictions for 2010

Here’s a stab at what I think is likely to happen in corporate social networking this year:

1)    Most companies will develop social networking policies

2)    There will be YouTube/Facebook/Twitter/Blogging crises for companies who do not have social networking policies or do not understand how best to engage with social networks

3)    More companies will start blogs and begin to build relationships with bloggers

4)    Corporate responsibility programmes will emerge as key users of social networks

5)    Spend on social networking will be less incremental and companies will start to retain specialists to support and assist them with their strategies and programmes

6)    Companies will start to explore more how they can use social networking to learn from their customers and deal with customer concerns and issues

7)    Social networking content produced by corporates will become more creative and less traditionally corporate in tone and subject matter

8)    More companies will create applications fuelled by the take up of the iPhone which is joining new networks this year.  But many will fail to get any pick up, only outstanding ones or highly useful ones or brilliantly funny ones will survive and be adopted

9)    Companies will start to approach social networking in a more integrated way: but there will be plenty of internal warfare over who controls it

10)    As traditional media wanes in influence,  resourcing of traditional media PR will be reviewed in light of the significant migration to online social networks

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