The future of touchscreen?

Thought the touch screen technology seen in films like Minority Report was far away in the future? I think even the creators behind that film would be surprised by how fast technology has caught up. Tablets and touch screen phones are now commonplace. So, what next? A new video from Gorilla Glass manufacturer ( more…)



Samsung takes on Apple – and takes the mick

Apple fans are a passionate bunch (I say that as One Of Them). But those who don’t own an iGadget can be just as passionate about their distaste for the fruity brand. Especially Apple’s competitors. While some of them can come across – well – a bit bitter, Samsung has decided to create ( more…)



My Blackberry isn’t working!

It’s been a bad few weeks for Blackberry. Several days without email or BBM has had Blackberry users up in arms. The company hasn’t really helped matters by making little apparent effort to communicate with customers, leaving many feeling neglected. Unfortunately, this all happened in the same ( more…)



  • Blackberry
  • Mobile

Ever stumbleupon a marriage proposal?

We’ve seen a fair few romantic, and clever, proposals using technology over the years. One gentleman did it over Twitter, one guy proposed in the cinema (I may have sobbed big girly tears at this one) and one opted for Groupon. There are enough geeky proposals out there for Mashable to round-up ( more…)



  • Social Networking
  • YouTube