What makes a great Facebook campaign?

We’re constantly bombarded with tips and tricks for how to create the best Facebook campaign. But sometimes, it’s nice to have a common-sense, straight-forward approach that outlines the basics. This infographic below, the Anatomy of a Killer Facebook Ad Campaign takes you through all the ( more…)



What did you Stumbleupon in 2011?

2011 was a pretty busy year. The UK had the Royal Wedding, the USA had the Kardashians and the capture of Bin Laden, and the world lost an inspirational tech leader in Steve Jobs. But how much influence does world news have on the actions of the average Stumbleupon user? Quite a lot actually. After the ( more…)



Can Facebook get you a job?

Following in the theme of careers and job hunting, which many people tend to think about at the start of a new year, we’ve found an infographic that shows just how much influence social media has on finding a new job. Some of the stats are unsurprising – it’s rather predictable that 1 in ( more…)

LinkedIn: The Bootcamp infographic

LinkedIn can feel like a workout at times. There’s an aspect of warming up (creating your profile), cardio (commenting in several groups), endurance (maintaining a regular presence in groups and your profile) and…..well, not a lot of cool down. Ok, this might seem like a fairly weak link, ( more…)

