What would Google do? - the powerpoint

The new book, What Would Google Do?, by Jeff Jarvis, the famous blogger, is available now in a free powerpoint summary.

We have mentioned this book a few times. But I feel it is probably one of the best current guides to how social media and the web is re-shaping business and our society.

The powerpoint introduces a few simple principles which are useful to bear in mind. Obviously it’s not  as comprehensive as the book but it gives you a free flavour of what the book is about.

Jarvis is arguing that the current financial crisis is actually exacerbating fundamental shifts in economic models. I believe there are substantial shifts going on in the world of communications. Traditional modes of communications and the business models based on them, such as traditional financial PR, for example, are no longer relevant in a world where social media is driving news agendas.

Take a look, but better, get the book!

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