10 steps to a powerful content strategy

It's Open Consulting - 10 steps to a powerful content strategy

The axiom that ‘content is king’ has been with us since the dawn of the web. But these days, it’s not enough to just produce a lot of content and hope that some of it works. With multiple platforms from blogs to websites to Facebook to email newsletters to Twitter — each with its own tone, culture and expectations — content production has never been more complicated. Simply copying chunks of text, video or audio from one platform to another without considering the quirks of that platform’s community results in a disjointed and unsatisfactory experience for your audience.

Part of the problem is that content creation is frequently split across multiple departments, e.g. PR, marketing, internal communications, web, and opportunities to repurpose content are missed. Materials produced at the coal face, such as R&D reports, internal white papers or market analyses, often ends up squirrelled away for internal use only, even if there’s no competitive advantage in doing so. And a lack of co-ordination between teams can result in wasteful duplications of effort.

For businesses to produce relevant, appropriate and effective content, they must now have a content strategy to formalise the planning, management and creation of informational materials. Indeed, a powerful content strategy will unify the creation of content across your company, help uncover hidden content, ensure that the needs of multiple platforms are met, and, ultimately, help you to create a consistent voice across your properties.

In Ten Steps to a Powerful Content Strategy, we offer a simple, clear guide to creating a cohesive content strategy for all your platforms. Essential reading for anyone involved in content production, no matter where or how it is finally published. You can download the free PDF or view the paper on Scribd or read it below.

And if you would like some help creating your own content strategy, please drop us a line!


It’s Open Consulting – 10 Steps to a Powerful Content Strategy

