Zappos is coming!

Acquired by Amazon in 2009 for $1.2bn, Zappos is a hugely successful online retailer, renowned worldwide for being a social media trailblazer – particularly in the field of customer service.

Zappos employees maintain an active and presence on Twitter, YouTube, Facebook and corporate blogs.

Members of the collaborative Social Media Leadership Forum will be hearing directly from Zappos this Wednesday to learn first hand about how they use social media to deliver the ‘WOW factor’ in customer service, and how being social has led to corporate success for Zappos.

Graham Kahr, the social engagement scientist for Zappos, will be sharing his personal insights and learnings with members of the Social Media Leadership Forum and taking questions from members.

At a time when a lot of companies are considering social media governance issues, and are unsure how their staff should interact with social media, it will be interesting to learn how Zappos are going about it, and why.
