Premier Dissemination

How do you communicate with your suppliers? How do you relay messages to key stakeholders? Are traditional conferences; seminars and roundtables always the best approach?

Open organizes and runs pioneering online dissemination events. These can be accessed through a PC or an internet-enabled mobile device.

We will handle the pre-publicity with you; contact the participants to explain how the service operates and work with you to agree the themes to be discussed. We will host, manage and moderate the online dissemination site branded in your company colours.

Participants will receive full customer support by email and phone and will receive a full report at the end of the dissemination event. They also get email alerts to inform them when they have had replies to their contributions. The report can be converted into a PDF format so it can be distributed through your site.

If you are an electronic company, this is a good way to promote online values - such as collaboration - and the exercise orientates individuals into this new way of working and trading.

Online dissemination events are genuinely interactive and provide opportunities for individuals to put their personal views across and get them answered. They are easier to organize than traditional conferences and enable you to engage with your customers at a different level and in another context. In addition, these online events are not location specific and can be accessed by individuals from different countries. The dedicated dissemination site will also hold resources relevant to the topics and are

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